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What Are the Benefits of Root Canal Treatment?

What Are the Benefits of Root Canal Treatment?

January 1, 2022

You receive a recommendation to undergo root canal therapy near you when you visit the dentist reporting pain and sensitivity in a specific tooth infected or damaged due to any reason. The bacteria in your mouth from the infection causes extreme pain and sensitivity when they reach the soft center of the tooth, the dental pulp. The term root canal can send fear down your spine, wondering what you must endure when undergoing the treatment from Ricafort Dental.


As a layperson, you may not have sufficient information about the standard and straightforward treatment saving millions of teeth every year. Dentists don’t recommend this treatment unless you have a severely infected or damaged tooth causing incredible pain and sensitivity when chewing or biting. Recommendations for the treatment are made to relieve the pain you experience and not cause additional discomfort in your mouth.


Earlier the lack of modern techniques and anesthesia made root canals a procedure to fear. Thankfully advances in dentistry now make available modern anesthetics and instruments for the dentist near you to perform root canal treatment painlessly to relieve the excruciating pain you are currently enduring.


What Is a Root Canal?


Root Canals are a treatment tailored to eliminate bacteria from infected root canals to prevent reinfection of the tooth and help you preserve a natural tooth. You may have developed an infection in the tooth, allowing it to get to the dental pulp by leaving it untreated when initially detected. You can proceed and refuse the recommendation of the dentist nearby to have root canal treatments so long as you prepare yourself to lose the tooth because if you need endodontic and are reluctant to have it, the only remedy available to you is to have the tooth extracted and replaced with implants or bridges. Root canals help you preserve your natural tooth by eliminating the infection and bacteria within, restoring the tooth with dental crowns, and saving you from considerable expenditure with a simple procedure completed in a couple of visits to the dentist’s office.


Benefits of Root Canal Treatment


The most significant benefit of root canal treatment has your natural tooth in your mouth instead of replacements. Root canal-treated tooth lasts for as long as your remaining teeth, so long as you have a durable restoration over it, providing the strength needed by the tooth to function appropriately and the aesthetic appearance you desire.


Root canal treatments restore efficient chewing, regular biting force, and sensation and protect your remaining teeth from excessive wear or strain. Best of all, you don’t have to display a gap in your mouth if you decide to have the tooth extracted.


What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?


When undergoing root canals from the dentist in Murfreesboro, the specialist initially examined your tooth, taking x-rays to determine the extent of the damage. On the scheduled day of the procedure, you arrive at the dentist’s office and receive appropriate anesthesia as discussed with the dentist in your mouth.


After your tooth is numb, Dr. Ervin M Ricafort drills the top of your tooth or from behind, depending on whether the procedure is for a front tooth or a molar. The drilling shouldn’t cause fear in your mind because the anesthesia would have taken hold much before the dentist picks up the instrument. After drilling your tooth and exposing the infected or inflamed dental pulp, the doctor proceeds to remove it from inside your tooth and continues to clean the root canals and disinfect the area. After the cleaning and disinfecting, the dentist fills and seals the tooth with a rubber-like biocompatible material called gutta-percha with adhesives and closes the access hole created in the crown of your tooth with an interim filling. They recommend that you have the tooth restored with a permanent filling soon after recovering from root canal treatment.


Caring for the Treated Tooth after Root Canals


Caring for the treated tooth after root canals is relatively easy because besides refraining from eating anything until the numbness in your mouth dissipates and refraining from biting with the treated tooth is all that is required. You can continue with your regular activities the day after the procedure.


You may experience some discomfort after going treatment, which is likely in every surgical procedure. However, the dentist prescribes painkillers or recommends them for purchase from drugstores to help you overcome any pain you experience comfortably. Soon after you recover, you can visit your regular dentist to restore the tooth as best possible. If you prefer, you can have a permanent filling in the tooth. However, if you want to preserve aesthetic appearance while providing sufficient strength to the tooth, you will do better by investing in a dental crown providing all the benefits you desire in one treatment.


Root canal treatments do not cause any harm to your teeth but help you preserve them from extraction by eliminating the infection within. Therefore if recommended root canals, you must think of the treatment as one that relieves you from pain and restores your mouth’s functionality.

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